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  • Remote Learning: Parents' feedback survey

    Wed 20 May 2020

    Dear parents
    We are now in the tenth week of remote learning and we're still adjusting to the “new” normal and the things we used to take for granted aren’t possible for now like Sunday mass, school runs, Sacramental preparation, playing in the park or watching our local teams. We face many challenges as we cope with new ways of working, home schooling and caring for vulnerable family members. 


    On behalf of the school’s governors, I’d like to thank staff, parents, pupils and the community for the very positive and flexible response to the challenges as typified by the Termon C19 Response team's provision of PPE equipment for local essential workers. I hope you and your families remain healthy as we continue to respond to the lockdown.


    Since the school closed, we have being refining how we work so as to support you in facilitating children’s independent learning by using monthly work packs and Seesaw as our main strategies. I now feel this is an appropriate time to review these arrangements. I'm seeking the views of teachers, parents and children about remote learning. I’d particularly like to know what’s going well, what challenges you face and what you'd like to improve in relation to:
    •    Internet connectivity
    •    Access to computer/ iPad etc
    •    Challenges associated with remote learning 
    •    Use of Seesaw

    Realistically, we don’t know when the school will return to the “old” normal. There are suggestions that phased reopening may commence in the autumn term so your feedback is important in helping us to support you and your child. PLEASE COMPLETE A SEPARATE SURVEY FOR EACH CHILD IN THE SCHOOL. 


    All parents received a ex message with a direct link to the survey. If you have difficulty accessing the link, please contact the school and an alternative link will be provided.


    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey which will help us and for your continued support in these most challenging times.

    Yours sincerely


    Peter Cush
