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RSE in Schools- Departmentof Education Information for parents

Dear parents

Please read information from the Department of Education regarding RSE in schools. A copy of DE information sheet for parents in available in: Key Information / Policies.


The Department of Education has informed us of been ongoing activity on social media and public demonstrations against the teaching of RSE in schools, resulting in the circulation of misinformation. This campaign is clearly upsetting for parents and carers and does a disservice to the thousands of teachers who work hard every day to deliver a quality education for all our children and young people, including teaching them about RSE. The protests appear to stem from a misperception that the recent changes to the statutory curriculum at Key Stages (KS) 3 and 4 signal a wider redrafting of the RSE curriculum which, it is claimed, has the potential to harm children and young people particularly those in primary schools. This is clearly not the case, as I have previously outlined, but will do so again for clarity.


If you require any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards

Peter Cush

