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Rosmary retires after 36 years in St Colmcille's PS

We had a lovely afternoon to celebrate Rosemary Mullin's retirement after 36 years as cook in the school kitchen. She was joined by many of her former colleagues and the children who sang for her.  Bettie McGurk read a specially composed poem about Rosemary's time in the school.  Rosemary was presented with flowers and a cash present. We wish Rosemary a contented and joyous life in her retirement.


An Ode to Rosmary

Among the pots and pans in St Colmcille's,

There worked a woman of many skills,

Her tenure there was 36 years,

Keeping children fed as well as her peers.


There's a lot of things that you should know,

How teachers and kids are sad to see her go,

Her canteen group too will miss this woman,

Their dear friend and colleague Rosie Mullin.


An impeccable record, she was rarely ill,

Her shoes, they will be very hard to fill,

For Mr Cush, the school headmaster,

Her pending departure, a pure disaster.


How will he survive the long school year,

Without Rosie to keep him fed and full of cheer,

Her recipies, whether roasted boiled or fried,

Had as much variety as the hair she dyed.


So to you Rosie, we say adios!

For your retirement you should make the most,

But don't forget your friends in here,

And call in for a chat when you are near.
