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July Update

Dear Parents / Guardians


I hope you are keeping well and are looking forward to your summer break in this truly historic year.  We'd like to thank you for bringing the children to the school last week to speak to the staff when the collected their annual reports, books and packs. We  really appreciated the chance to say good bye before the holidays.


We’re all aware that the children have missed so many activities over the last term but we're particularly mindful that our Primary Seven and Rang a Seacht children who have lost their final months in the school. We were therefore, delighted to arrange a special Leavers' Mass on Friday 26th June and the Drive-in Leavers' prize giving ceremony on Monday 29th June. The mass can still be accessed on the parish website and photographs from the Prize-giving ceremony are on the ‘Welcome’ page on our website.


As you may know, the Department of Education had issued guidance detailing reopening arrangements and the special measures that need to be in place to deal with the ongoing threat of COVID-19. These specific measures deal with issues like social distancing, the utilization of space within the school building, advice on pupil attendance, pupil and adult hygiene, additional cleaning routines, catering, school transport, workforce planning and communication with parents. Staff and governors have discussed the implications of this guidance and the interim plans will be under constant review as the guidance changes. 


To comply with the guidance, classes must be limited to fifteen pupils per class each day and these children will be kept in ‘protective bubbles’ with separate break and lunch times. Initially, children will be at school for two days each week and be supported remotely for three days. Children in families will attend on the same days. We hope that DE guidance will be relaxed early in September so that full classes can resume.


Teachers will communicate with you at the beginning of August with specific details about starting times, finishing times and details about catering and school transport. This Re-opening guidance is extremely complex and it will mean that there will be many changes to school routines and arrangements compared to before however we are all bound to adhere to them strictly for the safety of everyone.


Key dates

  • Week beginning Monday 6th July: Miss McElduff will forward information to Nursery parents about the arrangements for their children
  • July – August: DE has provided online support for Primary Seven & Rang a Seacht children. The details of this programme will be sent to these parents.
  • Monday 20th to Friday 31st July: Summer School for Primary Five & Six / Rang a Cuig & Sé pupils (Sept  2020 classes).

We have secured funding from DE to provide a summer school for up to 30 children each week. Specific information will be sent to these parents.

  • Week beginning 3rd August: Teachers will send details about starting times, finishing times and details about catering and school transport.
  • Monday 24th August: Primary Seven & Rang a Seacht children programme commences
  • Week beginning Monday 31st August: Children throughout the school will be phased in.


Finally, have a lovely summer break with your children, God bless and continue to keep safe.


Yours sincerely


Mr P Cush

